Sunday, April 08, 2007

"Miss Kristy, what does ambush mean?"

I love those Nasonex commericals with the bee that sounds like Antonio Banderas. "Nasal allergies? OH NO!"

Super dorkiness.

I get to spend like no time with my husband today. We hung out for like 15 minutes this morning and after he gets off work, he's going to Orlando to see The Decemberists, so he won't be home til around 1am.

Oh well. I gots shit I can do. Soap opera catch-up, laundry, clean the bathroom, write some postcards and hair dye. I'm sure I can insert some random jackassery in there somewhere. I havn't actually bought the hair dye I need today yet, but I'm thinking of going in a different direction. We'll see what I come up with after a jaunt to Walgreens.

I have been super obsessed with You Tube lately. If you're on Facebook, you've likely been the recipient of a you tube link of some odd variety. 80's TV theme, Golden Girls shopping for condoms, Mario saves Milli Vanilli, and all of such nonsense. It's amazing the kinds of things you can find on there. Such random crap. Crap! Crappity! Crap! Oh so delicious.

The last two nights have been pretty fun. On Friday, Nicole came over for dinner and the beginning of the You Tube fascination [thanks, Nicole + Milli Vanilli]. We tried to watch Dexter [awesome Showtime series - check it out], but the on demand service was not working, so we ended up going on a quest for more Americone Dream - which took us about an hour. It was finally located at the Pinellas Park Wal-Mart. Listening to Joel and Nicole singing Motley Crue was an interesting experience. To say the least.

Yesterday, I sat for Gavin and Addie. We spent a good hour throwing waterballoons at their fence. Good times, however, tying waterballoons is a pain in the ass. Later, I introduced the kids to Jenga. They really liked it, but Addie kept forgetting what it was called - Blinga? Gondola? Hilarious! She also found the blocks rather tasty and kept trying to lick them. We also watched my Donald Duck DVD for the umpteenth time as well as both Ice Age movies. We also played Simon Says - which neither of them quite fully understand. Gavin would say "Simon Says jump up and down" but then when we did it, he would shout, "I didn't say Simon Says!" And I always got them when I gave a command without Simon Says. Maybe that one has to wait a bit longer.

As the night wore on, they kept insisting they were not tired, but when bedtime hit, Addie fell asleep before the first storybook was read and Gavin was passed out not long after the second.
Again. Love those kids.
Anyways, I see it's already 3 o'clock and I have done virtually none of the things I need to get done today. I'm off to Walgreen's.


Blogger that one girl with two names said...

Oh my gosh. i miss those kids so much.

p.s.- the have americone dream @ the Ben and Jerrys in baywalk :)

9:38 PM  
Blogger Freckles Q. McMurty said...

Dude! Why the eff didn't we think of that? You are a genius. We are not.

Those kids miss you too. I am just a cheap substitue. ;)

10:00 PM  
Blogger BikingBettie said...

And I will see YOU on Saturday at the Norcross's...yes?

10:57 PM  
Blogger Freckles Q. McMurty said...

I believe so. I'm babysitting that night, so it may be that I'm just making a cameo.

11:07 AM  

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