Monday, October 30, 2006

a day of productivity

phoebe, hostess of last night's madness.

well, productivity that started off slightly against my will.

as you know i went to phoebe's halloween party last night, which was good times. keg beer, more beer and also jello shots. i really wasn't hammered due to the yummy treats, but this morning i did not want to drag my ass out of bed. even though i had a nap later this afternoon, i am still tired as hell today. i hate it when you have a bit of a hangover even though you didn't get to enjoy the drunken benefits of the alcohol consumed the night before! boo-urns.

but anyways, after breakfast, a shower and a healthy dose of pepto bismol, we went out furniture shopping. i drank mountain dew to stay awake while we lay down on a bunch of different beds to test the softness and firmness. we settled on a queen-sized euro-top mattress and boxspring. it was a mismatched set, but who the eff looks at the boxspring and clucks their tongue with disappointment when they notice it doesn't match? besides, we got a $1200 bed for $599! hooray!

then, we went and picked out our livingroom set! these are the couch and loveseat and these are the coffee table and end tables which are being delivered on the 7th. that will be interesting for a week with no furniture, but we'll make do. we'll have our smokin' new bed on thursday plus the old one, so maybe we'll keep the old bed in the livingroom. hahahaha! avant garde.


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