Saturday, January 06, 2007

Kristy: Hot Babysitter Du Jour

I'm babysitting again in full force. Yesterday I spent the afternoon chilling with Jaeden, Sheri's son. He is quite the kid. We spent the afternoon drawing and playing with marble tracks and watching the Dog Whisperer. I think it's pretty funny that a kid who has a bunch of DVDs of cartoons and such was downright insistant that we watch the Dog Whisperer DVD. He is obsessed with dogs - his own and bulldogs. He made me draw him pictures of bulldogs for him to color in. Thank god I could churn something out that remotely resembled one...

When Sheri dropped me off at home, she let me know that she and Tonya [Shark's wife] will be doing some workshops on Wednesday nights now and was wondering if I could babysit. Not sure if this means just Jaeden or if it will be Jaeden, Gavin, and Addie, but either way, I'm stoked. And on top of this, earlier in the week, she contacted me on behalf of a client of hers who was looking for a sitter for about 2-3 hours Monday through Friday for a four month-old baby boy! So tomorrow I'm going over there at 4 to meet with them and discuss a weekly fee and all that jazz. It'll be interesting - she wants me there from about 2-5ish and Sheri wants me there on Wednesday nights at 6ish til 9pm. It's a good thing they live fairly close to each other!

So, I'm pretty happy. I'm going to be getting out of the house for a few hours and feeling more useful, purposeful. At first I was in love with not working - but I had so much more to focus on and I did a lot of travelling, then I got here and life just stood really still. I'm just getting used to coping with that and now I'm going to start moving again. I'm really excited.

Sheri asked me yesterday how old I was - she had guessed 21 or 22,but 24 at the oldest. Man, I hope I continue to look young for a long time! *LOL* She said I had a young look and a young spirit. When she found out that I was 26, she asked why I wasn't having any kids! Actually, she told me I should because if I didn't, it would be a waste of great mommy energy. Hahahaha. If only she knew the bits of baby fever that have been gnawing at me lately! Fortunately, that baby fever is tempered with brains that know that now is just so not the time. I thought being around kids would make it worse, and sometimes it is, but mostly, I'm just glad to have that fix in the form of someone else's kids.

This way I can still end up having friends come over at 11pm for Arrested Development and beer! People generally do not want to come over for drinks or even that late when you've got small kids! *LOL*

So yeah, looking after a baby will be interesting. It's been a while since I've been around babies, but I have no doubt I will be able to do the job well. I've been reading up on babies and at four months, they really start getting into discovering and developing humor and that's where I am pretty skilled. I love making babies laugh!

I just remember how cool it was to be around my second cousin Niels and I think this should be cake. Cake with icing on it.

Just not the dirty diapers part.


Blogger BikingBettie said...

THIS MEANS YOU'LL have spending money for outings! Horray! I'm so excited for you!
We needs' to hang and soon!

7:18 AM  

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