Saturday, September 30, 2006

dear rockstars everywhere...

please! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY stop growing these fucking ugly mustaches! stop! stop! STOP! they are not cool or ironic. they make you look like you stapled the tails of dead rats to your faces.

i am only giving you the tough love you obviously most sorely need.

if you need me to show you examples of good 'staches, drop me a line.

p.s. - mr. flowers, what the hell is with the bolero? is the new album so bad you're planning to be banished to playing small town steakhouses? [EDIT: Killers on SNL tonight - Brandon Flowers looks like the lovechild of Rivers Cuomo and Colonel Sanders. I am so not digging this - Weird Kentucky Fried tie with plaid shirt? What THE fuck? Performance? Tone deaf. But their drummer is now definitely rocking the example of a GOOD rock 'n' roll mustache!!!]


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